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High DIY: How to Make Your Own Cannabis Bath Bombs

At Opal Cannabis, we believe in enhancing every aspect of your wellness journey. Today, we’re excited to share a fun and relaxing DIY project: making your own cannabis bath bombs! Perfect for a soothing bath after a long day, these bath bombs combine the benefits of cannabis with the luxury of a fizzy bath. Let’s dive in!


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 cup epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons cannabis oil
  • 3 tablespoons water (or as needed)
  • 1-2 teaspoons of your favourite essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, or any scent you love)
  • Food colouring (optional, for a touch of colour)
  • Bath bomb molds (or silicone molds)


1. Gather Your Ingredients:
Start by assembling all your ingredients and tools.

2. Combine the Dry Ingredients:
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the baking soda, citric acid, epsom salt, and cornstarch. Ensure they’re thoroughly mixed to avoid any clumps.

3. Mix the Wet Ingredients:
In a separate bowl, blend the cannabis oil, water, and essential oil. Add a few drops of food colouring if you want to personalize your bath bombs with a splash of colour.

4. Incorporate Wet and Dry Ingredients:
Slowly add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, a little at a time. Stir continuously to avoid activating the citric acid too early. The mixture should start to clump together and resemble damp sand. If it feels too dry, add a tiny bit more water.

5. Test the Mixture:
To check if the mixture is ready, squeeze a small handful. If it holds together without crumbling, it’s perfect. If it’s too dry, lightly mist with water until you achieve the right consistency.

6. Mold Your Bath Bombs:
Firmly pack the mixture into your bath bomb molds or silicone molds. Press down hard to ensure they hold their shape. If you’re using a two-part mold, press the halves together firmly.

7. Let Them Dry:
Place your molded bath bombs on a tray and let them dry for at least 24 hours. This ensures they harden properly and don’t fall apart when you remove them from the molds.

8. Enjoy Your Relaxing Bath:
Once your bath bombs are fully dry, gently remove them from the molds and store them in an airtight container. When it’s time for a bath, drop one into the water and enjoy the fizzing, relaxing experience!

Tips for a Blissful Bath:

  • Warm Water: For the best results, use warm water in your bath to help the bath bomb dissolve and release its soothing properties.
  • Customize Your Scents: Experiment with different essential oils to find the perfect aroma for your relaxation needs.
  • Add Extras: For added luxury, sprinkle in some dried flowers or a few drops of essential oil directly into the bath.

With Opal Cannabis’s premium products and your DIY skills, you can create bath bombs that transform any bath into a luxurious spa experience. Enjoy the soothing benefits of cannabis combined with the fun of a fizzy bath bomb. Share your creations with us and let us know how they enhance your relaxation routine!

Stay tuned for more DIY projects and wellness tips from Opal Cannabis. As always, enjoy responsibly!

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Opal Cannabis

We're Opal Cannabis, and we're passionate about providing you with high-quality cannabis products and exceptional customer service.